Cothes on, clothes off?

Publicerad 2016-03-23 11:30:00 i Allmänt,

Well, this irritation started as almost all other, on Facebook. An old lady/woman was angry over the “monstrosity” that is the islamic community because a child was forced to have her clothes on while swimming in a public pool. This, according to the upset woman, was not what we usually call religious freedom because her parents forced her into this… this.. hideous situation! Oh my God! The child doesn’t conform to contextual nakedness! It’s the end of the world! Ruuuun! 

I posted a snarky comment, trying to broaden her view on stuff in general, but as always when you get into this sort of argument with somebody, you never leave with the feeling of winning, you only feel that you’ve lost, and your loss is the hope of a future. Because let’s face it, she’s not likely to change her mind and neither am I. Well, i’d say I’m more likely to change my oppinion about things, but not women rights.

 My viewpoint on the matter is that there’s really no difference between forcing a child to have her clothes on or off. One can, using the above mentioned woman’s reasoning, claim that it’s against religious freedom to have parents with a religious agenda whatsoever. If you put one culture which values having almost naked women on nearly every magazine ever made against a culture that wants women to have lots and lots of clothes on, I can’t see which of these that have the right to a moral highground. Maybe the western way of beeing f**king naked all the time gets the head start because it doesn’t require an extensive wardrobe but other that that I can’t say for certain. In one end you have the extremely sexualized woman and in the other you have one thats supposed to have no notion of sex at all. Is it right to force people to cover up their bodies? No. But is it right to make them take off all their clothes? Yes. I mean No… (See what i did there?). This conversation, by the way, took place on a social platform that bans pictures of happy mothers breastfeeding because they deem them inappropriate but allows pages like Hotest & Sexy Booty Girls.


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